Sunday, August 1, 2010

homage to...

thanks to Mr. Owari for pointing this cover out to me:
Catman has a crisis!
this is the old Holyoke Comics Cat-man, with his partner, Kitten.  anyone see familiarities between (at least) two other famous comic book covers?


C. Elam said...

Oh sure. And yet, I think it's even less likely that either Perez or Byrne were familiar with this (admittedly great!) L. B. Cole cover.

But I sort of wish that was the case, because it would be hilarious!

X7 said...

I should have banned you from answering! lol

C. Elam said...

But I didn't actually name the covers!

Anonymous said...

That Crisis issue when Superman held Supergirl after she died, what is the other?


C. Elam said...

Answer the man! LOL

My word verification today is "boingsh". I shall adopt this word and make it my own.

X7 said...

here I thought you would want to answer him. I'll do the easy one, Cyclops holding Dark Phoenix (X-Men #136) and you can do the obscure ones, wiseguy!