Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Last Dragon (1985)

saw this movie in the theater when it was originally released, and enjoyed it for what it is.  in the middle of America, one did not get many martial arts movies in the 80s.

Sho'Nuff shows his glow

Taimak stars as Leroy Green, who is on his quest to become "the master".  he runs afoul of Sho' Nuff (the late Julius Carry) the Shogun of Harlem.  Julius knew no martial arts, but between him and his double, they faked it well. he was awesome.

anyway, it's a fun movie, with a good cast.  Taimak did a good job as a rookie actor, as did Vanity.  rumor has it a remake is being planned, one I believe I will be happy to skip.  the DVD has a director's commentary, but it's very matter of fact and after 10 minutes I switched back to the movie alone.

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