Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spider-man: the Animated Series (1994)

this 1994 series, that aired for five years is pretty good.  naturally there are some changes here and there (i.e. John Jameson never becomes Man-Wolf) but the acting is good and the animation is decent.

it's not as good as the Batman cartoon, but it's a lot of fun and has a lot of cameos and guest stars.

it does sport an awful theme song though.  it's not like they could top the 60s cartoon, or even the live action Japanese theme (yeah yeah yeah, wow!) but they could have come up with something better than what they did.  go look it up for yourself.

the first season was 13 episodes, which introduced many of the classic villains and his supporting cast.  interestingly The Hobgoblin was shown before the Green Goblin. he was voiced by Mark Hamill doing a pretty good job not sounding like the Joker, but kind of, thus making Hobby sound a bit cooler than I ever thought he would.

I watched most of the series when it was first run and am looking forward to seeing it again.

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