Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rodan, the Flying Monster (1957)

reposting the trailer since the original one is gone now. click on the tag and you can see where and how I've talked about Rodan in the past. I love the prehistoric flying reptiles, always have, and the pteranodon is my favorite, which means Rodan is one of my favorite monsters.

in fact, I'd love a tattoo of this one. I just haven't found the right pose or design. but I'll keep looking! one of the neat things about this movie is that it was one of the highest grossing movies released that year. "It grossed an estimated $450,000 to $500,000 during its opening weekend at 79 theaters in the New York City metropolitan area. Several theatrical circuits, including RKO, announced that Rodan broke the records for a science-fiction film.3"

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