Wednesday, June 26, 2013

RIP Richard Matheson

this great writer passed on this Sunday, June 23rd. he wrote so much stuff for movie and TV that most people probably don't even know they are watching it anymore. my favorite work of his is 1963's The Raven which I saw in the middle of the night. it was funny and scary all at once. I'm also sure it had some kind of influence on Marvel's Dr. Strange, since I always thought he was patterned after Vincent Price to a degree.

however, this is a really funny bit inspired in so many ways by Mr. Matheson. even the title of the show, which I just found out now was an homage to him. I wonder how many viewers actually got the joke here. I love both Shatner and Lithgow. this makes me laugh every time I see it. and it's because of Richard Matheson.

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