Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Birthday, Calvin and Hobbes!

Twenty-eight years ago today Calvin and Hobbes debuted in the newspapers.  Not all of them of course.  I didn't discover Calvin right away, but it was pretty soon after that.  I couldn't quite figure out the premise at first, was the tiger real or stuffed?  Once I realized it didn't matter, well, it quickly became my favorite strip in the paper at the time, and the one I read last.  After I got the first book and laughed myself silly it became my favorite comic strip of all time.

I love the Peanuts a lot, but there was something about this kid and his tiger.  You just never knew what was going to happen next, much like Calvin's longsuffering parents, schoolmates and babysitter.  It was awesome.

Some people have said I'm a bit like Calvin on occasion.  No idea where that comes from.  I am glad Mr. Watterson has retained all the rights to his creation, despite thinking a true cartoon movie would be amazing.  "Always leave 'em wanting more" is a true statement, and I always want more C & H.  He did a great thing and did it his way.

Happy Anniversary!

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