Sunday, November 23, 2014

random Marine Boy pics

 I was reflecting on the origins of this blog (well, the second origin, since the original origin wasn't very original to begin with- see, I could write like the late, great Peter Fernandez!) and I realized there sure weren't that many pictures of Marine Boy and company posted.  They were hard to come by 8 years ago, and taken from blurry VHS tapes.

Things sure are different now!  The entire series is out on DVD in three sets.  Compare that to 15 or 16 video tapes, or even DVDs.  So much easier to store and carry about if you have to move.
And the "missing" episode is included.  I'll be updating my book, but I'm not sure exactly what that will entail.  I'd like to rewrite parts of it anyway, since it took so long to finish and in those ten years my writing style certainly changed.
The series really holds up well, aside from it's episodic nature, which was  pretty standard for the time in the US.  I wonder if it would have had continued subplots like Speed Racer or Prince Planet if it had been done before the US dubbing.  The world will never know.
I would have liked to have seen a few recurring villains.  All we got was Cli Cli as a returning friend, which was OK.  He wasn't too annoying.
But we did get 78 full episodes, which are all uncut on the DVDs.  It's so much fun.  I wish Warner could release Prince Planet, but I don't think they have all the episodes for that show.


Chris Sobieniak said...

I wish Warner could release Prince Planet, but I don't think they have all the episodes for that show.

Technically, MGM owns Prince Planet.

X7 said...

But Warners releases stuff like that, I think. And I know they know where to find fans who have their missing episodes.