Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Six Million Dollar Man season 4

I picked up this volume on a whim cause it was cheap at Target ($8.00) and because it had crossover episodes with the Bionic Woman (Bigfoot and Fembots).  I had watched both shows rather religiously when they aired, but since then was not very interested in them due to the lack of kinectic action.  Slow-motion all the time to suggest speed... well, it's not that exciting.  But since it has some appeal to the kid in me I thought I'd give them a try again.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the first three episodes of this season- the crossover with the Ted Cassidy Bigfoot episode and then a more standard one with Farrah Fawcett Majors in it.  The slow motion is still weak, but it didn't bother me too much.  The acting was relatively good, though the scrips could have used a little polishing up.  I don't blame the actors for that, nor really the writers, since they were on a tight deadline and had to get these things cranked out rapidly and on time and budget.  And not much of a budget overall, one can tell.  Thanks 70s TV.

But I like the characters.  There isn't much continuity to the show, but with the crossover with the Bionic Woman there had to be some.  The effects are a bit of a let down, but again, they weren't given the much of a budget for it.

And Steve's moustache... I didn't even remember him having one.  It's gone by the end of the season, though it's not a horrid porn star kind.

I'll see how the other 26 episodes go.

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