Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Aqua Cave

It has been quite a while since there were any posts here.  I am writing the Xenorama books these days, which takes up most of my free time.  I loved the blog, but I'd really rather hold physical printed material in my hands when I read.  Call me old fashioned.

I'm currently working on an issue of Xenorama dedicated to some of my favorite comic books.  I have about 10 issues in various states of completion, and this is by no means done.   It's full of mostly Marvel and DC stories from when I was growing up, but there are some other surprises in there.

One of them is Aquaman.  I'm glad that his movie was a little successful, and I quite enjoyed it when I saw it in the theater.  I wrote about him about ten years ago, before the Brave and Bold cartoon made him outrageous and liked him then.

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