Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Hawkeye 02- Hide and Seek


This is a typical second episode.  Lots of talk and not much action, with Hawkeye and Kate getting to know each other.  He's playing the "lone archer" card... how many seasons of Green Arrow did Ollie do that?  I hadn't realized we also had met the Swordsman already, though I doubt he will be named that during the series.  Still, it's a nice touch.  I gotta say the Track Suit Mafia makes me laugh though.  They sure speak a lot of Russian.  Hmm, perhaps that is some foreshadowing?  I thought we might get an answer to that at the end of this episode, but we didn't.  They sure do talk about Tasha a lot, which is a nice bit.  I am happy to see Clint's family here.  

Overall, I wish these early episodes were a bit shorter.  I really do like Hawkeye, but there wasn't enough action in this episode to really justify the near hour length.  They could work into the longer episodes, which would be good.  I am looking forward to seeing how this all ties together.  There sure is a lot of purple in this show- the costumes all have that color scheme.  We will see if the Swordsman gets some kind of costume as well.

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