Monday, August 23, 2021

Prehistoric Soundtracks


This CD has all of the musical cues from three of the Hammer movies that Mario Nascimbene did.  They are good, but the first is the best, then it does down in order of the movies.  It is 23 tracks, so it's a nice long CD.  I was gifted a copy of it a while back, so I don't know if the actual disc is discontinued or not now.  I've been doing some research on Mario (for a future endeavor) and thought about the music from these movies.  I like it all, though I love the One Million Years, BC music the most, since that's what I almost literally grew up listening to.It's interesting that they still use that pose of Raquel Welch to sell things.  It was ubiquitous when I was growing up, and it still is all over the place.  Heck, someone even made an Aurora Prehistoric Scenes box of Loana, The Fair One.  I can see why, of course, but if the movie hadn't been well made, all the sexiness in the world wouldn't have saved it.

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