Wednesday, April 27, 2022

MOTW- Gubira


Gubira is an enormous fish monster with a drill for a nose/weapon.  This allows it to burrow underground as well as swim.  It can also breathe air, or at least get around on the ground for a short amount of time.  The drill can also catch Ultraman's super cool Shredding Halo and send it back at him.  It doesn't help the poor beast too much, as Ultraman breaks the drill off and then dispatches the beast with his Spacium Ray.This is a pretty good episode, only marred by the over reliance on Hoshino and that dumb little girl.  Hoshino is generally acceptable, but he has to babysit this girl and it gets to be a little too much at times.  Gubira is the first fish monster that Ultraman fights,  I like the way the critter looks, even if it is rather preposterous.  Gubira would return in later shows as well.

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