Saturday, May 7, 2022

overly ornate costumes

Ever notice how so many current superheroes in movies these days have so many complicated costumes?  I look at Captain America and have to wonder how long it takes him to get dressed- and his movie gear almost practical!  I know no one wants to see zippers or VPLs (look it up if you must), but come on.  Half of the heroes on television or in movies have far more armor than they need.  The rest have all kinds of designs or pockets or more details than they possibly need.  This includes both Superman and Batman.  I know that printing is now so much better and makes it far easier to do stuff like this, but really?

Look at this second Blue Beetle's design- it is perfect.  I thought one of the ideas for costumes was to be able to change into them quickly.  Aside from heroes like Iron Man and the Hulk, how is this possible these days?  Even the Black Widow must take an hour to get suited up now.  It is supposed to make them more "realistic" but I have to wonder how well they can move in those get ups.  I suppose it is easier for computers to make them jump about.

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