Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Xenorama #4- reprint edition

Great higgledy piggledy!  What is this?  Could it be a blast from the (not really) distant past?  It sure appears as if Xenorama #4, from October of 1993 is about to be reprinted as a special edition in the near future.  It is going to be a "warts and all" sort of thing, with it being exactly as it was, some 29 years ago.  I have not changed a word of the articles.  I did add a new opening and closing, and the cover will be in color, since I can, don'tcha know.  It sure has been the easiest issue to finish, ever.  It should be done in the next few days, or possibly even tonight.  I have had a few readers ask me about doing reprints of those early issues, so this is the first experiment in that arena.  Don't hold your breath for more, though.  It will make you blue.

I tried to find my original pages so as not to have the bleed through from the printed pages, but alas, those seem to have been lost to the sands of time.  I able to scan these pages in, though I had to take the staples out of my archival copy.  It is really easy to bend 29 year old staples though.  Once I finish the new introduction and cover I will post it here. I don't know how I am going to number this, though.  I may have to alter my numbering for the 3th anniversary issue.  It appeals to me to have that be #42, for some reason.


stage6 said...

It'll be nice to see when it's finished! 3th - Threeth? 👽

X7 said...

It should be available in the near future, as I have uploaded it to Amazon. It seems the Great White North gets things a little after we do down here.

stage6 said...

Thanks for the update. Just ordered Xenorama #4
from Amazon.ca, and it will arrive in a couple of
days. Looking forward to your colorized reprint!

X7 said...

uh oh, I better update the description- it is in black and white, just like the original one. Hope that is not too disappointing!

stage6 said...

I assumed it was only the front & back cover that got a color revamp - no disappointment at all! Xenorama #4 is included in the Ray Harryhausen Magazine Bibliography, which is printed in one volume of the "Master of the Majicks" books. The reprint will be nice, but I'll still keep my eyes open for an original Oct. 1993 copy. 🦖 🦕