Wednesday, October 5, 2022

MOTW- Triax


Triax was the first Mega Monster that Godzilla and Red Ronin encountered.  It has two eyes on stalks, a hard shell, a sharp beak and stumpy legs that have been enhanced by jets.  It uses hit and run tactics, but is not powerful enough to stop our heroes.  Hence the reason the Megans decide to send the other two beasts to Earth.  The creature is not very bright, or is rather overconfident in it's abilities, as even after the power enhancement, it confronts Godzilla head on and gets a blast of atomic breath right in the face.  This blast goes all the way through the monster, and that is the end of Triax.  I go with it not being a very smart monster.

Triax is an oddly named critter.  "Tri" generally makes one think of "three" and nothing about this monster says "three".  It does look like an early Ultra kaiju design, and would give the 60s Godzilla or Ultraman quite a battle.  Since it has to fight both Red Ronin and Godzilla, it doesn't have much of a chance.  One on one would have been a better battle, for either robot or Godzilla.

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