Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Robot MOTW- The Automaton


This giant robot protects a powerful cartel.  It uses a deadly gas weapon called The Madagascar Madness.  Harry Houdini breaks the cartel up and exposes this robot as a human in disguise.  This is an early serial, and most of it has been lost to the ashes of time, but a few chapters are left for your viewing pleasure.  The robot doesn't look very threatening at all, but I am sure over a hundred years ago it was something to behold at the time,  Too bad it was just a dude in disguise.  The cartel would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for that darn Houdini!

The Automaton was played by Floyd Buckley, who was in several movies, did stunts, and produced and directed films.  He was also the voice of Popeye on the radio and in one of the many television series the sailor starred in.

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