Saturday, October 7, 2023

Loki 2-01 Ouroboros

 IN WHICH Loki time slips throughout the TVA, even though new friend Ouroboros says that is not possible in the TVA.  This leads to him going to the past, the present and the future.  Which is all kinds of confusing at first.  We meet most of our old friends from season one, and OB tells our heroes, Mobius, B-15, Loki and a few more familiar faces.  We even see whatever Kang that was in last season.  The War Room is upset about all the branches (and probably they are upset about Dr. Strange and Spider-Man as well as America Chavez).  It all boils down to finding Sophie, and they can't seem to do that.  Also, to "fix" Loki, OB tells Mobius his skin might come off his body.

I love these shorter episodes.  It ran about 35 minutes total, and breezed by quickly.  I have seen shows with people time slipping before, so once they said that was happening I caught on quickly.  I mean, hello Quantum Leap!  This is a good start to the series, and I will enjoy it, I think, time slipping be damned.

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