Wednesday, March 27, 2024

HOTW- Bulletgirl


From Wiki- Shortly after Bulletman began his crime-fighting career, he created a second helmet for his girlfriend and later wife Susan Kent, daughter of Police Sergeant Kent who adopted the name Bulletgirl.[8][9] His formula was shown to make him strong enough to smash a tank. In addition to being bullet-shaped, their helmets also make the characters bulletproof.[10] The helmet is shown to be so strong that once when Bulletgirl was run over by a Nazi tank she was only knocked out. Me again, I think the Gravity Regulator helmets must have a shield property, rather than making the human bodies actually bulletproof.  But that is just my thought, so don't take it as anything other than a theory.
Perhaps I should have started with Bulletman, but female superheroes are woefully under represented in comics, and I don't want that to become common on the blog.  I like it when superheroes have partners, even if powerless, like the Flash and his wife, who knew his secret ID from the start.  I am still kind of surprised that Joan never got speed powers, but Flashgirl sounds dumb, so I don't know what they would have called her.  Anyway, grown adult women make better sense as partner for grown adult men than young juveniles.  I would like to read some of these stories.  The art is nice and clean.

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