Thursday, November 18, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)


I didn't see this one in the theater either, and I don't know why.  the movie got rave reviews from a few of my friends.  I didn't think it was that great when I finally did see it.  Some of that was these Guardians were not the real Guardians of the Galaxy.  I had known of the originals for many years, and of course, not reading modent comic books I had no idea the group had been retconned to have a current line up, rather than the future/alternate reality line up.  I didn't know any of these characters, except for Drax the Destroyer... and Groot.  I knew Groot from being one of Marvel's monsters.  The Hulk had fought Groot and several other beasts as well, in one annual.  I didn't know the species had been reformed.

The movie mentions many other Marvel characters, Celestials, Howard the Duck, the Nova Corp.  Those are fun to see, and even though most of the characters barely look like their comic book counterparts it works.  I knew nothing about Gamora and Nebula.  Thanos sure changed appearances a bit.

The music is hit and miss with me, though I know all of the songs. 

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