Saturday, June 18, 2022

Batman promo ad


I really enjoy seeing these ads for television shows from old TV Guides.  They appeared until the late 70s.  I think the cable TV explosion made the guides change things a lot since all those ferkin channels took up so much more space. I am glad people saved these, and I should go through my small collection of TV Guides to see what is in them.  Who knows what treasures I could find?  I am so glad the Batman series got released on Blu Ray.  That was a long time in coming, I'll tell you what.  I am still amazed the Green Hornet wasn't released when the lame movie came out several years ago now.

This would almost have to be a syndicated version of the show, due to the time it is being aired.  In WV it was on after 4 PM or so.  But WDCA had an amazing kids lineup on the weekdays.  However, it did require more than one telly to keep everyone happy.  Meaning grandmothers who wanted to watch their stories (i.e. soaps) which would cut into superhero time.

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