Wednesday, June 15, 2022

MOTW- Keronia


Keronia is an alien plant monster from the Amazon.  For some reason it decides to begin their invasion of Earth in Japan.  One assumes the form of Goto, who was on assignment in the Amazon.  "He" infiltrates the Science Patrol HQ (this has happened before, where are the security measures?) and attempts to take it over.  Of course who would suspect a plant of being an alien?  The whole of the Science Patrol does seem rather naive and trusting of all people that claim to be from another country.  It lays seeds around the town as well.  The invading fleet is destroyed in an aerial battle and Ultraman defeats the giant Keronia.

This is one of my favorite episodes.  It is action packed, has a great battle between the the spaceships and the jets and the fight between Ultraman and Keronia is fantastic.  Ultraman gets to use a new power as well.  There are only two plant monsters used in this first series so Keronia is quite unique.  It is called an alien, but it is native to Earth.  I prefer it over the Baltan, overall.

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