Saturday, April 20, 2024

Yog Promo from Space (AIP, really)

I am watching this movie again for the podcast episode tonight.  I saw it at the exact right age range (8-12 years old) and I loved it.  The monsters were cool, if not exactly scary, and the plot was fun.  I have become very interested in the promotional pressbook material for these movies.  These were sent out before a movie was scheduled to be shown, and then were supposed to be destroyed or returned.  This means some are quite rare.  I had some facsimile sets, and a few originals, but I am glad people are getting them online these days.

I am also pondering an issue about this movie, or perhaps pairing it with another similar movie.  I know it was on a double feature with Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, which could be a fun double feature issue.  There will be a lot of these items in the issue, though.  There is a surprising amount of material from other countries as well.  I miss having painted posters and lobby cards.

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