Saturday, February 13, 2021

WandaVision 6- All New Halloween Spooktacular


Wanda and Vision have now moved into the 90s, as evidenced by the new power pop theme song.  The twins are also breaking the fourth wall and talking to the audience, something Malcolm in the Middle did (at least for a season, I lost track of it eventually as the kids got older and less cute).  The cast has a new addition, though it's not a younger sibling.  Instead, it's Wanda's long thought dead twin, Peitro Maximoff, though not exactly the same one that was killed.  This one has been an X-man.  Dun DUN DUNN!  The twins love their uncle.  Vision and Wanda are now not fighting, but pretending nothing is wrong.  And it's Halloween.  It's not quite as magical as Tahiti, but you know something will happen tonight.

This is the first episode we get to see near comic book accurate costumes, even if they are homemade versions.  Wanda tells Pietro her costume is a a Sokovian fortune teller.  Apparently Elizabeth Olson wanted to wear the comic book costume, so kudos to her.  I've forgiven her for appearing in that awful 2014 Godzilla movie now.

The Avengers are mentioned, and Captain Marvel is brought up again.  That SWORD knob... he's trouble.

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