Sunday, February 21, 2021

Worked on me!


Sometimes you have to suffer in order to get something you want.  Boy howdy, I sure did.  This cereal was terrible, but I had to get dinosaur figures.  I still have a few of them, but many got lost to time.  The best part of eating this awful stuff was that after collecting a thousand or so box tops (stay away from them, Boris!) I got the play set for free.  In those days, they would tell you it took 4-6 weeks, and for a 5-6 year old, that might as well have been an eternity.  It did arrive eventually.  I was walking home from school, and somehow, I could tell something exciting was happening.  My younger brother, who hadn't started school, was too excited.  He had issues keeping secrets, so that was one tell.

When I got into the house, there was a box with my name on it.  It had to be the playset.  Boy, that was a fun day.  It was worth eating all that gross cereal.  Why couldn't the dinosaurs have been in Crunchberries or Quisp?  It was the four pieces of caves/rocks, and quite a few red cavemen.  I played with that set forever, and the set pieces showed up in my home movies, eventually.  I need to see what I do still have now, as they may show up in an issue of Xenorama someday.

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