Wednesday, March 5, 2025

HOTW- Streaky, the Supercat


From Wiki- Streaky the Supercat is a fictional superhero cat that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Action Comics #261 (February 1960) and was created by Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney.[1]  He is Supergirl's pet cat who gained superpowers through exposure to X-Kryptonite; such as flight, super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, and enhanced vision abilities, among other Kryptonian powers. His distinctive mark is a lightning bolt in his fur running along both sides. He is also a member of the Legion of Super-Pets, alongside other super-powered animals such as KryptoBeppo, and Comet. Back to me:

By the time I was reading and understanding comic books, the Super Pets had disappeared fo the most part.  I did get to read a few stories in reprints, but origin stories were few and father between.  Krypto stayed around the longest, but I was happy to find there was a supercat.  Especially a ginger one!  Apparently, Streaky is a girl now, but since I don't read new comic books, that makes no never mind to me.

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