Sunday, November 24, 2013

Finally, Xenorama #15 is mine

I finally got copies of all my books today. I'll be posting some thoughts on them soon. I'm pleased overall.

The first thing that struck me about this was... it's a freakin' book!  It's not really like a magazine at all.  Which is kind of cool in it's own way, but I was a little surprised.  The pictures came out really well, despite most of them not being 300 dpi.  I don't think I need to say the cover looks amazing, do I?  Well, I'm going to any way, because it does look incredible.   Dan Ross does amazing work and I am grateful to his talent and vision.  I tell him what needs to be on the cover and poof, there it is.

I am going to make the font a size smaller for the next issue, as I think it's too big at 11 pt right now.  This will give me more room for more articles and more pictures.  That's pretty much my only thought about both issues, other than I need to be a better writer.  I'm quite pleased with how good it looks though.  The color pictures really look great in there, I think.

So overall I'm happy with this issue, and have learned a lot for the next couple projects I'm working on.  Though now I have less pages and will have to find something to fill it with.

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