Wednesday, February 12, 2025

HOTW- Jack Frost (Timely)

 From Wiki (natch)- Jack Frost resembles a young man made of ice, and can create and withstand extremely cold temperatures and generate large amounts of ice.[10]  The introduction in his first story implies that he is a mythical creature, a lonely figure existing in the Arctic landscape: "The far north! Challenging! Mysterious! Foreboding! The land that no man really knows... in this great, frozen waste, surrounded by an eternal, deathly quiet, lives a person we have all heard of but few men have seen — the King of the Cold — Jack Frost!"[7]  This spirit was awoken by the cries of a dying prospector, who's been shot by a claim-jumper. In his final moments, the man pleads with Jack to protect his daughter in New York City, and Jack — horrified by the crime — transports himself to America to confer with the police. They do not believe his story, so he determines to fight evil wherever he can find it.[11]  During World War II, he joined with other superheroes to form the team Liberty Legion and protect the United States from Axis home-front infiltration. The Liberty Legion was initially assembled by Bucky to rescue the Invaders brainwashed by the Red Skull. With the Legion, Jack Frost battled Namor the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch, and protected bystanders from shrapnel with an ice umbrella.[12]  Back to me again:

My introduction to Jack was with the Liberty Legion, and I thought there was a lot of potential.  He was created by Stan Lee and Charles Wojtkoski, but only lasted four stories. He mentions his race of people in the Invaders, but we never see them.  Looks like he is the small son of a Jotun, which again, is a very interesting concept.  I liked that he was a lot kinder than Namor ever was back then.

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