Friday, February 28, 2025

Xenorama Godzilla cover (proposed)

This is the proposed cover for the plus year one of the 70th celebration of Godzilla.  It could be Godzilla, King of the Monsters! Minus One as well.  I will have to ponder that one.  We are almost done with this issue, and it should be out soon.  We have great articles from all our regular contributors, and even a few color photos sprinkled in the many black and white pictures.  There are not a lot of color stills or promotional materials from the first movie.  I also found a lot of fun stuff to put in as well, so there's that!

The cover itself is an homage to Fantastica #1, which was turned into Fangora for issue #2.  It is from Luigi Cozzi's famous, or infamous, version of Godzilla.  I have never seen that, since my Italian is... not good.  Bet you thought I was going to used that famous, and rather tired quote from one Steve Martin, reporter!

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