Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the Coloring Book of Gwangi

I love the movie "The Valley Of Gwangi" (1969) for a variety of reasons, but I think what started me on the path was this:
just an awesome painting

yep, a coloring book for the movie.  it had the entire story, right down to the burning of Gwangi (if I remember correctly).  I don't remember buying it, or having it given to me.  I just always remember having it for a long time (until I gave it to an owner who would love it more than me, even).  I colored in lots of pages, removed some, I am sure, and who knows what else.

all this prepped me very well for my first actual viewing of the movie, sometime in late '73 or early 74 on the late show. even though I knew the plot and what dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals would show up, I was still awed by the experience.

I'd love to find a copy of this again, but it seems pretty rare.

here's a fun viewing experience that was on prime time tv  at one point.  I think the best part was that Colin actually knew the (almost) proper name of the movie!

1 comment:

Matt Benzing said...

I had this too! Was so thrilled when I finally saw the movie on the CBS late show.