Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sven- Revenge of the Creature


This is a fun movie.  I give the studio props for not doing exactly the same thing they did in the first movie.  It is a logical move, bringing the Creature to civilization, somewhere in Florida.  Naturally the beast breaks free and causes havoc before it's untimely second death.  It also is able to go from breathing freshwater to breathing seawater in a matter of seconds.  While rare, some fish are able to do this, but I don't know if it can happen that quickly.  The suit still looks great, though it had been altered a bit.  The leads are fun, and it's nice that Nestor got to return from the first movie.

Sven does a good job with the material, and it's always fun to see Clint Eastwood as a young and not crazy man.  He is barely in the movie, but that gets all the press these days. I guess it is good to get press any which way you can.

next up: Attack of the Puppet People

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