Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Lost Films Fanzine #7

John LeMay is a workhorse.  He publishes all these great fanziness and writes amazing books at the same time.  These issues are so much fun, and have some much interesting facts in them you can read them at least twice and learn something new.  This issue has some great stuff about a Tarzan movie that was never made- The Jewels of Opar.  This could have been an interesting movie, but was quashed legally before shooting completed.  There is an informative article about one of the many sequels to The Big Boss that has been semi-lost to the hands of time.  I loved the article about the Stooges.  They boys were already in syndication via their shorts, so a television show would have been a natural.  However, Father Time was catching up with them which made it more problematic.  

All of John's magazines and books are available on Amazon.  Go buy them!  They are all fun and worth your money.  He does publish some of the zines in color versions as well.  Whatever version you want, you will be entertained and educated!

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