Sunday, May 26, 2024

Destroy All Monsters story

Last night Sven aired Destroy All Monsters again.  Since I have talked about this movie a lot on this blog, I thought I would try something a little different.  I have a long history with this movie, and I today I am going to regale my wonderful readers with a story about watching the movie in a Kmart.  The movie aired many times in my area, and this would have been 1981 or 1982 or so.  I don't quite remember, though I am sure I wrote about it in one of my many journals at the time.  It was probably right at the start of summer vacation, at least that is my recollection now.

Be that as it may, the parental units had decided I should get a real job for the summer.  I was told to ride into town and apply at many stores.  The local mall was closest, so that is where I decided to go.  I couldn't take the car, so I rode my bike the four miles or so into town.  DAM was airing on channel 2, KWGN at noon or so, so I made my plan.  I did apply at a few places, but timed it so I could have lunch at Kmart (they had diners back then) and watch the movie in their electronics department.  I tuned every television to Channel 2, so Godzilla and company were on about 40 different sets.  It sure got a lot of attention.  And I got to watch my favorite Godzilla movie.  I am pretty sure the parents suspected something, but I never told 'em anything.

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