Sunday, July 21, 2024

Dracula 1931 remarks


Sven aired this last night, and since I did a review about two years ago I thought I would offer some new thoughts about it.  I was really impressed with how menacing Bela made the Count.  I know the movie itself so well, having seen it for literally five decades of my life.  I never thought it was very scary, but watching a movie on a Sunday afternoon can have that effect.  The movie moves quickly, though it is rather stagey, since it was based on the play.  The actors are quite good, but kind of static, for the most part, though I love Renfield these days.  He is hilarious and sad.  It is hard to believe how much movie they could pack into 70 minutes back then.  The sets were great as well, all those cobwebs in the castle, and just the whole look of the movie.

Sven's bits were interesting, until the very end with the Drac Dynasty stuff.  That was a bit silly.  I have seen this movie so many times it feels like watching old friends, though.  I can quote quite a few lines, even.  I do wish Sven would air the Spanish language version of the movie that was shot on the same sets.  It is almost 20 minutes longer.

Next- Killer Shrews... again

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