Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sven- Angry Red Planet (1959)

From the Wiki entry- Mission control personnel on Earth monitor the rocketship MR-1 ("Mars Rocket 1") as it approaches Earth orbit following the first crewed expedition to Mars. Personnel are surprised to see the ship on their monitors, for they believed that the vehicle had become lost or destroyed in space. Ground technicians are unable, though, to make contact with anyone on MR-1, so they guide the rocket by remote control to a safe Nevada landing. Only two survivors of the original four-person crew are found in the ship: Dr. Iris Ryan and Col. Tom O'Bannion, whose entire right arm is covered with a strange green alien growth. The MR-1's mission to Mars is then recounted by Dr. Ryan as she also helps to find a cure for Col. O'Bannion's badly infected arm. In her debriefing, she reports in detail the crew's experiences while traveling to the Red Planet and exploring its surface. She describes their expedition in retrospect, as if it were currently happening. Back to me:

I first saw this in the mid-70s, late night on KWGN Channel 2's "Sci-Fi Flicks."  They always aired an episode of The Outer Limits first, so the viewer was properly terrified before the movie.  It sure worked with this movie.  I really enjoyed it.  Watching it last night on Sven was fun as well, and there were less interruptions since the movie runs about 90 minutes.  I always like hearing about the cast, and was surprised to realize that Mr. Fantastic himself, Gerald Mohr, was the lead.  I will have to check my Blu Ray to see how long it runs.

next- Munster Go Ho-hum...

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