Saturday, July 13, 2024

Captain America II: Death Too Soon (1979)

 From Wiki- Steve Rogers (Reb Brown) is first shown sketching a portrait of a Mrs. Shaw (Susan French), who complains to him about a gang of muggers who have been stealing the proceeds from cashed Social Security checks; she denies having cashed hers. He bids her to do this in order to set a trap for the muggers and springs the trap as Captain America.  In the meantime, a free-lance revolutionary terrorist calling himself General Miguel (Christopher Lee), planning to fight an unspecified war, kidnaps a Professor Ian Ilson (Christopher Cary) and forces him to resume his research in manipulative gerontology. Ilson has managed to formulate both a chemical that accelerates aging and the antidote to the same chemical, and Miguel, posing as the warden of a prison in Oregon near Portland, plans to use the chemicals in question to hold Portland hostage for a multimillion-dollar ransom.  Back to me-

This was slightly more enjoyable than the first story- no origin here!  More Cap action, though everyone in the movie is very formal with Steve. No one calls him Cap at all.  Which is one of the things that is most appealing about Captain America- he relates to everyone.  This character would have been so much easier to accept with a Colonel USA title, or something like that.  The ending was really predictable, though it is always a pleasure to see Christopher Lee.

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