Saturday, October 19, 2024

Dinosaur Research Center, Woodland Park, CO

I spent two days in Colorado Springs this week, and the first day I went to this very interesting place.  It is about 30 minutes into to the mountains in the very picturesque town of Woodlands Park, population 8000.  The drive up there was lovely, I must say.  It was a beautiful day, and I had a nice lunch before I got there.  I kinda wish I had eaten up there though, but I was the hungry.  There will be a more detailed review on the podcast today (episode 300!) with pictures and video, but here is a brief overview of the place.

It is NOT a museum proper.  The wonderful guide told me it is more of a show floor.  They sell casts of fossils.  Lovely, lovely casts, mind you, don't get me wrong.  I of course would rather have a dinosaur model, fleshed out and everything than a cast, but a Tyrannosaurus rex skull would be kinda cool in the living room.  So they can't call it a museum.  It is rather educational, except for a few things (watch the podcast to see!) and the gift shop is amazing, if a bit pricey.  So far, it is the best gift dinosaur gift shop I have been in since Dinosaur Land in VA.

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