Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Moose that Roared (2000)


Hokey smokes is this a great book!  It's the complete history of Rocky and Bullwinkle, plus the many other shows and advertisements that Jay Ward was involved in.  Keith Scott did a masterful job in telling a great story.  He was friends with many of the artists involved, and has loads of great pictures of pre-production sketches as well as full on drawings.  Since most of the people involved in making these shows have since passed on, this is now almost invaluable to fans.

Rocky and Bullwinkle was a ubiquitous show when I was growing up.  Sure, you never got to watch an adventure all the way through, but it really didn't matter.  We would just watch and laugh for a half an hour.  We knew many shows had a similar look and style.  I never saw much of Superchicken, but did see a lot of Underdog, Dudley Doright, and of course, George of the Jungle.  Most of them were rest stops on the way to Ultraman or Speed Racer, but I am glad now that I got to see them.

It's a great book, and it's hard to believe it's 20 years old.  DVD was not even a thought when the book was written, and I would be interested in hearing Scott's take on the DVD sets that is out now.  The book is available on Amazon, and I got it for a good price there.


joecab said...

Just to be clear, you know Underdog wasn't a Jay Ward cartoon, right? That came from Total Television, an outfit in NYC that also did Tennessee Tuxedo, Commander McBragg, and many others.

joecab said...

Oh wait, I see I was mistaken! Jay Ward was subcontracted to work on those? I had no idea! Sorry for my mistake! (Of course now that I typed it, it seems vaguely familiar.)

X7 said...

It's all good- they look so similar in artwork. I'll have to look over my Underdog book again to see if Jay had been involved.