Wednesday, September 18, 2024

HOTW- The Jaguar (original)


From The Archie Comics Wiki-  When Zoologist Ralph Hardy was on exploration, he noticed a white jaguar. Before he could pursue it, an earthquake occurred and a huge serpent-like dinosaur emerged from the cracked ground. He ran for safety inside the ruins of an Incan Temple. Once inside, he noticed the jaguar's tracks and followed them to an alter. Hanging off it, was a belt buckle with an emblem of a white jaguar. Hardley began to read the inscription on the wall, which noted only an animal lover could wear the buckle and be transformed into a human Jaguar. He also noticed another large mural depicting the monster serpent. As he continued to read about the history of the temple, he learned that the belt was created to stop the rampage of the creature, and that it was up to him to wear the belt and fulfill that destiny.  back to me!

I like the concept of this character, and would probably enjoy reading the exploits.  I know that there are now several versions of the character, some women, some men.  Since I have no attachment I might enjoy all of them.  I just like cat heroes, what with being a childless cat parent.

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