Saturday, September 7, 2024

50 years of Land of the Lost!


Land of the Lost premiered on September 7th, 1974.  To paraphrase a Beatles song: "It was fifty years ago today, Land of the Lost began to play!"  While Grumpy didn't sing the song, we all sang along with Wesley.  I will admit, I did miss the first episode for some reason.  It was scheduled opposite Valley of the Dinosaurs and I think we were bouncing around all the new shows.  That is my best guess after fiddy years.  I think I was at a friend's house, since New Cartoon Saturday was an event back in the day.  The worst part- aside from 17 new Scooby Doo clone shows, was trying to decide which show to watch for the first time.

So shows got missed and watched on reruns.  However, my best friend told me the next day at school to watch Land of the Lost, as this episode would feature "giant green beans with blueberries for eyes" which of course meant the Sleestak.  After that episode, though, we were all hooked.  I watched the rest of the first season, and was kind of surprised that it actually "ended" in the 17th episode.  It was great, but I wanted more episodes.  We got them, but the next two seasons were not quite as a good.  I kind of lost track of the third season completely, since the whole tone of the show changed.  Still, it had dinosaurs and was great, especially that first season.  It is gold.

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