Saturday, September 14, 2024


I saw a lot of Kimba when I was in West Virgina (WDCA Channel 20, greatest channel ever).  I have written about the show here, and had been doing episode reviews about 12 years ago.  Since I started the podcast, the Kimba episode overview I did has been the most popular one.   Speed Racer is right behind Kimba as well.  They have more than six times the combined listens than the third place episode.  That makes me think I should talk more about Kimba.  Well, it is only logical.  However, I do not want to do an episode by episode sort of thing, since that would take a year. Speed would be easier, since most of the first season are two part episodes.  I will have to ponder it some more.  I have been wanting to redo some of my earliest episodes in video now, since have become slightly more adept at editing such things, and far more relaxed with the actual making of an episode.  It'll be fun.

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