Friday, July 2, 2021

Loki 4- The Nexus Event

 Loki sees a Revision and ends up in the Supremacy.  Sort of.  This was an interesting episode.  We find out all sorts of things about the Time Lords, which leads to the greater question- who runs the TVA?  There will be spoilers (I should have said that at the beginning, if anyone knows what I meant).  I
lost count of how many people got de-rezzed, I mean pruned.  Mobius and Loki both got zapped.  But this episode has a mid credits sequence, which has been pretty rare for the last two series.

One of the drawbacks of avoiding spoilers is I have no idea how long some of these series go- WandaVision has been the longest, but most of those were 30 minutes or so.  We could have about two episodes left of this show.  It's getting ready to be wrapped up, though.

While I really enjoy the MCU Loki, and he has reformed, somewhat, I really still don't trust him at all.

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