Wednesday, June 30, 2021

One Eyed MOTW- the Cyclops


In honor of what would be Ray's 101st birthday (yesterday) we present: This may be Ray Harryhausen's most iconic creation.  It is sure one of his most expressive!  Featured in the wonderful 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958) the beast was in the opening sequence.  I am sure that viewers at the time had to be surprised and in awe, since nothing like it had ever been seen before on the big screen.  Come to think of it, there's hasn't been a cyclops like it on the big screen since then.  I love the colors on it, and the fact that it is out in broad daylight.  No trying to hide it at night in a rainstorm.

I'm so over movies doing that.  We know the monster isn't real, just show them to us!  Anyway, you almost feel sorry for the creature, since it was minding it's own business and just doing what cyclopses do- eat sailors that arrive on it's shore.  Ray actually kills two of them in the movie.

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