Saturday, July 2, 2022

Jurassic world Dominion

 Once again, an evil corporation wants to take control of the planet with bio-engineered locusts.  The original set of heroes gets involved, and the second set of heroes go off to rescue their kid and Blue's kid.  There are a lot of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.  Heck, some of them even have feathers.  That oughtta keep the nerds happy now.  It all wraps up well.  In the end, the veggiesaurus dinosaurs are living happily or at least peacefully with mammals.  One can only hope that another meteor isn't on the way.

 I really liked it.  I had avoided most spoilers, but did see headlines about it not being well liked.  Of course, this has happened after every sequel since the first one in 1993.  Wait, it has been nearly 30 years since that first movie?  How did that happen?  Be that as it may, I like dinosaurs a little bit, and have enjoyed all the movies to the same extant, more or less.

I was happy that the movie ended on a positive note.

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