Thursday, July 14, 2022

Ms. Marvel 06- No Normal

IN which Kamala finds and fulfills her destiny, saves Kamran, stops Damage Control- well, a rogue Agent Deever, and tells half of Jersey City who she is.  Bruno accepts his destiny as well to go to CalTech, which does not take a big bang of epiphany.  They make new friends and it is all pretty fun, overall.  Kamala still has to study though, and suddenly changing places with Carol isn't going to help that.  "Ms. Marvel will return in Marvels."  Which I will go see, because meeting your heroes never goes like you want it to. Also, Photon will be there, so that will be fun.

I still don't get or want to understand TikTok.  It just takes the place of the people talking to a reporter montage.  Now they just think they are talking to millions of people who care what they jabber about.  Social media is really overrated, at least at this time of century.  Oh yeah, Kamala is also a mutant.  Probably means there are X-Men in the future.  More people will have powers than not soon.  The Law of Diminishing Returns on all things superheroes will have to come into play at some point or another.  Of course, I have been saying this for ten years now.

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