Wednesday, July 27, 2022

MOTW- Keylla


Keylla, subtitled the Photothermal Monster, lives, or rather lived on the Planet Q.  The scientific team on Space Station V2 gets blinded by the brilliant eye blast of the monster.  The Science Patrol springs into action and arrives to help out.  It turns out they need a BM circuit to stop the station from exploding.  That circuit is on Planet R, of course.  There they run into not just Keylla but the monster Saigo.  These monsters don't like each other much, and appear to be the only creatures on the planet.  Keylla proves to be a tough battle for Ultraman.  Everything is works out for most of the participants in the episode.

This is one of the three Ultraman episodes that I saw growing up.  It was a good one to see, I must say.  Two monsters, plenty of action, spaceships and a strange planet.  What more could a kid want?  I have a toy of Keylla, though back then he was called Keela (which is also an acceptable translation, as well as Kira).  Unfortunately one of his horns has broken off and I have misplaced it.  I have tried to find a new figure, but they are now rare. 

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