Monday, June 3, 2024

Calvin Monday 3-18-1989


And finally, we have the finish of the beanie beautification.  Reality continues to ruin Calvin's life, but he does find a silver lining, and this is something he can do with Hobbes as well.  An empty box is full of mystery and adventure!  This is a rather small box, and we never do see it again, unlike the transmogrifier.  I am sure they used it for something pretty darn great, though.  Maybe they used it to hold the mushy apples for G.R.O.S.S. until the box fell apart.  A gross box would fit right in to that great club, don'tcha know, right?  Now it is on towards the next adventure!
This is a more relaxed adventure, since it is all about Calvin having to learn a bunch of lessons.  Patience and setting proper expectations, to name exactly two of them.  I am not sure what will we be doing next week, though.

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