Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sven- The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)


From Wiki- In 1547 Spain, Englishman Francis Barnard visits the castle of his brother-in-law, Nicholas Medina, to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his sister, Elizabeth. Nicholas and his younger sister, Catherine, offer a vague explanation that Elizabeth died from a rare blood disorder three months earlier; Nicholas is evasive when Francis asks for specific details. Francis vows not to leave until he discovers the truth behind his sister's death.  Francis again asks about his sister's death during dinner with the family physician, Dr. Leon. Dr. Leon tells him that his sister died of massive heart failure, literally "dying of fright". Francis demands to see where Elizabeth died. Nicholas takes him to the castle's torture chamber. Nicholas reveals that Elizabeth became obsessed with the chamber's torture devices under the influence of the castle's "heavy atmosphere". After becoming progressively unbalanced, she locked herself into an iron maiden, and died after whispering the name "Sebastian" one day. Francis refuses to believe Nicholas's story.

It goes on and on.  It's a gorgeous movie, and well directed, but with so many interruptions that the movie seems to drag on a bit.  I think watching it on DVD would make it go a lot faster, since the movie is 80 minutes long.  Sven's bits are good and informative, but the 2.5 hour format doesn't work that well for shorter movies.  I also don't care too much for this gothic horror type of movie, since generally the people are the monsters.

Next- Leech Woman- ugh.

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