Wednesday, June 12, 2024

HOTW- Noman


From Comic VIne- Dr. Dunn is a 76-year-old, wheelchair-bound scientist who works for T.H.U.N.D.E.R. With the help of the late Dr. Jennings, he has designed android bodies into which a human consciousness can theoretically be transferred. Dunn decides to become the first to try the switch because he is near death. Entering the transfer "cabinet, " he successfully makes the transition, whereafter, simply by willing it, he can shuttle his mind over any distance into one of the other androids at T.H.U.N.D.E.R. headquarters. Each of the androids weighs 350 pounds and possesses extraordinary strength. Equipped with a cloak of invisibility--which when activated by twisting the dial-fastener, "activates a forcefield in which the alignment of the molecules permits light to pass with no reflection" --Dunn is code-named NoMan.

Noman is one of the few android characters that showed up in the 60s.  Unlike the Vision or the Red Tornado , he has a human mind, and is happy to be active and able again.  This is a pretty great idea, and Noman was a great character.  He got his own four issues as a single star, but we all know how Tower Comics ended up.

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