Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales (1963)


From WIki- The series centers on Tennessee Tuxedo, a penguin, and his dimwitted friend Chumley, a walrus. They live in the Megapolis Zoo along with friends Yakkety Yak and Baldy the Eagle.[7] The Megapolis Zoo is run by the ill-tempered zoo director Stanley Livingston and his zookeeper assistant Flunky. In different episodes, Stanley has often threatened to skin Tennessee and Chumley alive. Four episodes featured Howler, a dog that Tennessee got from his Uncle Admiration. In addition, Tennessee competes against his rival Jerboa Jump and his later henchman Tiger Tornado. Me again: As a kid I quite enjoyed this show.  I liked learning things from Professor Whoopee, and the running Fibber McGee joke was always funny to us.  Tennessee always tried to get things done, but sometimes his motivations were not very pure.

Watching this show again, I am of mixed feelings.  I love me some Don Adams for sure, but the stories always end the same way.  It is like Total Television tried to recreate a Rocky and Bullwinkle team, and got it half right.  Chumley just isn't as charming as our favorite moose. Professor Whoopie is a lot of fun, though.  He gets the best little jokes in.  The DVD set comes with all the TT episodes, but also fills out the discs with Tooter Turtle (dire), King Leonardo and The Hunter.  I may have to rehome this one.

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