Tuesday, June 18, 2024

HOTW- Mr. Fantastic

From Wiki-  It was on Reed's initiative that the fateful mission which had Susan Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm accompanying him into space took place. When their ship passed through the Van Allen belt they found their cockpit bombarded with nearly lethal doses of cosmic radiation. Reed had neglected to account for the abnormal radiation levels in the belt's atmosphere. The cosmic rays wreaked havoc on the starship's insufficient shielding and they were forced to return to Earth immediately. When they crash-landed they found that their bodies were changed dramatically. Reed's body was elastic and he could reshape any portion of his body at will. At his suggestion, they decided to use their new abilities to serve mankind as the Fantastic Four. Reed was chosen to lead the group, under the name "Mr. Fantastic".[10]
Me again: I have always like Reed,  He loved his wife, was smart and a good leader.  I hate that current writers make him such a big jerk and seem to think Doom is a good person.  Is Reed perfect?  No, and that's what makes him great.


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